Level Up!

Today, we are very excited to open Level 2, the last technical Level of the Holberton School application process. If you have completed Level 1, you should receive an email from us very soon (expect an email before Nov 1st).


During Level 2, you will build your first website, from A to Z. That means that not only will you build a website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript but you will also install and run your web server (Apache) on your own Linux machine (Ubuntu). Note that most web servers out there are also running Linux as an operating system and Apache as a web server software; so you’ll be already using what industry professionals are using!

Here is an overview of what you will do and learn during Level 2:

  • Access a distant server using ssh
  • Learn the very basics of the Linux command line
  • Install a software on Linux
  • Use the Emacs text editor
  • Install a web server on Linux
  • Read a configuration file
  • Use HTML, CSS and javascript to build a website
  • And most importantly: search for information and help each other


Many thanks to our reviewers and beta testers who spent countless hours with us, improving Levels 1 & 2: Ashlynn Polin, Lamia Himdach, Vanessa Rigot, Katya KalacheSophie Rigault Barbier.